Children’s Stories


Meet Naomi. She is 12 years old. Her life has been turned around and it’s all thanks to your sponsorships as part of our Education Matters programme.

Growing up in rural Ghana, Naomi’s father passed away when she was just 6 years old.

Whilst thankful to be living with her mother, her father’s death left them with serious financial difficulties and, try as they might, they simply could not afford the essentials to provide Naomi with an education. They could not afford the school fees, leaving Naomi without the necessary textbooks or even a chair to sit on. Soon there was no other option: Naomi was removed from school altogether.

She lost hope of ever going back.

Then, Humanitas built a school in Naomi’s area. We staffed that school with qualified teachers and, now, Naomi’s dreams of becoming a doctor are back on track.

Understandably when she first came to our school her spelling was poor and she was not able to write but already, in the past year, through her hard work and boundless enthusiasm Naomi’s progress has been remarkable. Her teacher tells us she is often tearful in class but that we’re not too worry; she’s just so happy to be back at school, she says.

Her love of learning is a joy to behold, as barely a day goes by without Naomi showing us the extra homework she has done outside of class, of her own accord. It therefore came as no surprise to see Naomi sit top of her class in her recent Reading exams.

She’s well on her way to fulfilling her dreams and, together with your support, we can help her achieve this.

‘When I started schooling here, I could not read, spell or speak English well. My friends teased me because I didn’t go to school and they told me I am stupid but now, I am better at reading than all of them and one day I will be a doctor.’ - Naomi Gborglah.